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Santa Barbara, CA, United States
Hi, my name is Kara. I'm kind of a nerd. But I like to think that that's a good thing. Anywho, welcome to my thoughts.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

BEDA 12: Another fun TV show, and new shoes.

First, I would like to say that my nose itches. Like the outside of it. My eyes have been itchy lately too. Not my actual eyes, like my eyelids. I dunno. Is that weird? Am I allergic to something? Is it dry skin? Am I going crazy?

Second, I have been watching a lot of Casualty. Good show. Combines two of my favorite things: medical dramas and British people. Basically, my thoughts on the show can be summed up simply like this:

1. Nick is awesome. He's like Giles, but a doctor.
2. I think I saw an episode of ER like this once.
3. Why can't there be more Yuki? WHY???
4. Yay accents! Especially Lenny's Scottish one.
5. Actually, yay Lenny in general.
6. I definitely saw an entire half a season of ER like this once.
7. Oh, Ruth...
8. The English people! They're so English!
9. I now speak medical show in two languages: American and British. They're quite different.
10. I love this show!

If you've never watched casualty, half of those probably mean absolutely nothing to you. But yeah. Good show.

Also, I went down to State Street to buy new shoes this afternoon. My converse are wearing through the insoles, and it makes my feet hurt to wear them too long. So I now have pretty black and grey vans with purple laces. They make me happy.

I also walked through the farmer's market they have down there. So many fresh fruits and veggies. It made me wish I had a kitchen to cook in. Next year, when I'm no longer having my tastebuds bored by dorm food, I'm going to do a good part of my shopping at farmers markets.

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