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Santa Barbara, CA, United States
Hi, my name is Kara. I'm kind of a nerd. But I like to think that that's a good thing. Anywho, welcome to my thoughts.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

BEDA 10: I love when I dream about youtube people!

I've dreamed about Youtubers I follow before. I'm sure I had a vlogbrothers dream a month or two ago, and I know I've dreamed about other Youtube people. However, I rarely remember more than a few very vague details about my dreams.

So when I woke up at 6:30 this morning after having an amazing youtube-related dream, I reached straight for my laptop and wrote what I could remember. Which was this:

So Wheezy Waiter had this fake restaurant. In Oroville. Right next to his new apartment, which was ridiculously tiny and behind a yellow door i'd always wondered about. I went to this restaurant. Me and the other people at my table were Beardlovers, and we were in on the joke, but there were a bunch of people there who weren't. When I was done eating, I volunteered to help out and be a waitress in the fake restaurant. I think that's how we became friends.

I'm not sure what it means that it was a fake restaurant. Like, we were serving food and everything. But maybe we only actually made one dish. It made sense to dream-me.

Then there was a bunch of hanging around in his apartment. I'm not sure about a bunch of this, I'm not great at remembering my dreams. I know a bunch of my friends got involved.

Then there was something with a missing guinea pig. Like it was in his apartment and we were looking for it. I found it. Then the police came in, and arrested me, and a bunch of other people I think. I don't think Wheezywaiter was one of the people who were arrested. I'm not sure what I was actually getting arrested for. And they used those ziptie handcuffs on me, and did it pretty badly, and when i showed them I could slip the handcuffs off, they were like whatever. I guess they didn't think i'd try to escape.

During the arrest part, there was a definite moment, where a silly cop (TM) was like *points at dog who is randomly there* IS THAT A DOG and we're like "umm, yeah." *Points at guinea pig* AND THAT'S WHAT, A SMALLER DOG? "Um, no, that's a guinea pig." I'm thinking this silly cop had a British accent. A little bit Monty Python-esque. Yeah, that was kind of random.

So finally, I was in a courtroom (I guess) with a bunch of other people. I wasn't too worried because I knew the judge and he said he wouldn't charge me with anything. Then I started singing, and everyone joined in. When we were done, someone was like "hey good singing." That's pretty much all I remember.

What the heck does that mean? Besides that I have a bit too much of a youtube fixation. I guess there's worse things to dream about than youtube people showing up in your hometown. In fact, I was one of those dreams where you wake up and you're like "that was fun, I wish it hadn't ended." As opposed to the dreams where you wake up and you're like "not sure I want to sleep any more right now." I have those sometimes too.

Maybe I should start a regular dream journal. So next time I have an awesome youtube dream, I'll remember it better.

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