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Santa Barbara, CA, United States
Hi, my name is Kara. I'm kind of a nerd. But I like to think that that's a good thing. Anywho, welcome to my thoughts.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

BEDA 26: I was kinda a jerk to Alex Carpenter

We can add "jerk" to "stalker" on the list of "qualities Kara exhibits toward youtubers, specifically ones named Alex Carpenter."

Okay, I don't think it was that bad. I don't think he thought it was that bad. But he made me feel bad. Basically, he posted a kind of ranty VEDA last night about how people think he's in MoM and that his song "Don't Blink" is either a cover or just inferior to the Chameleon Circuit song, "Blink." Oh, and he said Charlie McDonald instead of Charlie McDonnell. Twice. Yeah. So I had to give him a hard time, because I always give people a hard time. I commented, saying "Defensive Alex is Defensive", and that if he was going to call Charlie, "Charlie Mcdonald" I would call him "Alex Carpenterd."

Then he responds to my comment, with the Remus Lupins channel for some reason (I'm guessing because he just logged into that channel for whatever reason then went to check comments on his veda without switching back to the veda channel). He leads with "Attacked Alex is Attacked." Then goes on to say that he knows what Charlie's name is, and some bs excuse about his problem being bad sentence structure. Thanks, now I feel like a meany.

So in my defense, I posted this comment at about 1:30 AM, while taking a break from studying for my Environmental Studies midterm (which went quite well, thank you), and I was in a bit of a bad mood because I was tired and tired of studying. And I wasn't trying to be mean. And I didn't realize until later that I was kind of calling him a turd (Alex Carpenterd? yeah). Don't know if he, or anyone took it that way, but it could be interpreted like that. It wasn't aimed at any particular pronounciation or anything- if Jason had misspoken in the same way, I would call him Jason Mundayd. Luke would have to lose a D on his name, to become Luke Conar.

Alex probably doesn't care. He probably isn't going to lose sleep thinking one of his fans is a total bitchface. I just feel sad because I like to come across as a nice person. It generally makes me very happy when people respond to my comments on their videos. It doesn't make me happy when I feel like I've been mean to them. Not that I was even trying to be mean. I was teasing him a bit, maybe, but not being malicious. I was being snarky. I do this with my friends. And even though he doesn't know me, I feel like I know him pretty well. There's a lot of youtubers that I feel that way toward. Maybe I should try a little harder to remember that the feeling isn't mutual?

I dunno. Probably blowing this way out of proportion.

I think I'll do another blog post later, work on getting caught up before the month ends.

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