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Santa Barbara, CA, United States
Hi, my name is Kara. I'm kind of a nerd. But I like to think that that's a good thing. Anywho, welcome to my thoughts.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

BEDA 6: School talk.

So, Wednesday. Already a week and a half into the quarter. I need to start actually hitting the books, I think. Not that I haven't been studying at all, but it always seems like I can take it easy for the first week or two of the quarter. Then I realize that I'm behind. That's the problem with the quarter system: with only 10 weeks to learn everything, you really can't get behind. I should really figure out how all my midterms and papers fit into the quarter, now that I know my schedule for sure.

I did end up getting into ochem; there were 200 spots in the class and 300 people were trying to take it, so they opened up a whole nother room. That means that I'm not taking Music Appreciation this quarter, which I'm actually kind of bummed about. Music would have been a fairly easy A. With ochem, which I've already failed once, I'll have to work my butt off to get an A. Heck, I'll have to work my butt off to get a B. I'm naturally an intelligent but lazy person, so the actual motivation involved is harder than the chemistry itself. Then I have Biology, which is interesting, but at 8 in the morning, and Statistics, which will be fine as long as I do the homework, and Environmental Studies, which I'm taking as a GE. It's more or less a history class.

So, after this quarter, I'll have all the preparation for the major classes done, and be able to actually declare as a Bio major. I should really figure out if I need to declare pre-bio to become a Bio major. Right now, I'm declared Biochemistry, which is separate from biology, but I figured out that I don't actually love Chemistry that much, and I would rather do a major that has field study than one with lots of lab work. So I'm planning on declaring Ecology and Evolution once I'm done with my 3rd quarter of lower division bio class. Or I might do the general Biological Sciences major. Or I could even flip all the way over to Environmental Studies, though that would necessitate catching up on some of the lower division classes for that major (I'm taking ES 3 but there's still ES1 and ES2, plus I'd need some econ and geography and stuff). So I'm most likely staying in the biology realm of things.

It's weird to think that I'm almost halfway through my undergrad education. In 2 years, I'll be on my way out of here. I still need to finalize my decision on a major, decide if I want to go for a minor, decide if/where/when to study abroad. Then I need to decide if I'm going to grad school. Or still attempting to do the Med School thing? I think I'm done pretending to be premed. Maybe. Okay, now I'm stressing myself out unnecessarily.

So that's where I am school-wise. It's kind of the big thing going on in my life, I guess. Which is kind of expected. But yeah.

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