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Santa Barbara, CA, United States
Hi, my name is Kara. I'm kind of a nerd. But I like to think that that's a good thing. Anywho, welcome to my thoughts.

Monday, April 18, 2011

BEDA 18: I should do a video some time this week...

It's been a while since I've youtubed. I'm really bad about that. And I've been putting my creativity, such as it is, into blogging. And like, Twitter. Most of my thoughts can be summed up in one or two, 140-word statements.

I'm sitting in the UCEN right now. I came here under the pretense of it being a good place to study for my bio midterm in 2 days. Then I turned the youtube on, and decided to write a blog entry. Well, I would have had to do this sometime later anyway, hence the every in blog every day. Anyway, I'm listening to a Casualty episode in one ear, and the music they have playing in the UCEN in the other. Do people actually like Nicki Minaj? I don't really get the point of her. She doesn't actually sing that well.

Oh and now they're playing mm Whatcha Say. Which of course reminds me of one excellent SNL skit. Okay and now, more Nicki Minaj? They played 2 Nicki Minaj songs with one song between them? I'm not sure how they choose the music in here. Maybe it's requests, and people are weird and like this music. Silly people. Or maybe I just need to listen to her more. I tend to like a song more after I've heard it ten or fifteen times. Heck, I've even gotten to the point where I kind of enjoy listening to Friday.

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